RIKO Float Technology CO.,LTD.

LEVEL SWITCHESGuide to Float-Type Level Switches

Exact detections of the Liquid Levels will realize
the maximum economic effects in the wide range
of the applications with decent costs.


The Safe Level Switches derive
from the credible basic structure.

RIKO Liquid Level Switches have proven their reliabilities and broad capabilities over years of services in meeing with the most rigid requirements.There is RIKO design for almost any liquid level sensing need….from miniaturized, standard single station models to customized, multi-station units.The rugged simplicity, accuracy and built in quality are supported by our long engineering experience in every aspect of liquid level monitoring.Inert gas is sealed up inside the reed switch in order to prevent the activation,and the contacts have been plated.

Features of Level Switch

  1. Very simple structure and almost
    free from troubles.
  2. Very small and compact.
  3. Long life span is expected with
    Reed Switch.
  4. Maintenance cost is very limited
    after setting.
  5. Float type can be applied to
    non-conductive liquids.
  6. Stable in working points without
    big variations.
  7. Lower costs than other methods.

Outline view and Structure


Wide Range of Production Line-up for Materials,
Specs and Applications

We are ready for Special types and OEM products, with various kinds of experiences and know-hows.



From World smallest level switch to
large types can be set as a stand-alone
and also as systematic applications.

Can be applied to state-of-the-art systems


Explore the “Guide to Level Switches” on the following sites by RIKO Float Technology CO., LTD. (RFT):

Guide to RF-2 FLOAT

Guide to Float

Guide to Float

Generally speaking, Stable buoyancy, Specific Gravity, Resistance to Heat, and ...

Basics of Float

Basics of Float

RF-2 Floats are easy for after-works, and supplied to various kinds of industries.

Rf-2 Float Custom Order

Rf-2 Float Custom Order

Complicated shapes can be formed.